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I wanted to doodle in my universe, so here I am. I just checked out the notes I posted last, and realized I needed to do a little work on the setting. Here we go... the beginning, there was a cluster of inhabited stars so close to one another that when they called out to the stars in search of life, someone answered.

From there, the worlds worked together and eventually developed the technology to travel between star systems in a series of jumps involving technology on both ends of the connection. A long time later...

interstellar civilization thrived, as the Council of Planets reached further into the cluster and discovered more alien life. The connections were constructed, the alliance welcomed new planets, and grew.

There were those who sought unprecedented power and were thrown down, but cracks formed in the pillars of society.

The Council became corrupt, and clandestine dealings became power grabs, and teetered on the verge of a massive, interplanetary war.

General Xenith, the immensely popular leader of the allied military fleet, unexpectedly called for open revolt by the populus against their broken leaders, promising the aid of the most powerful space & air fleet ever assembled. The alliance was ripped asunder, full-scale civil war occurring simultaneously on seven different planets. Xenith was a genius, had seen the writing on the wall, and had prepared. Loyalty of the AMF forces had been steered towards loyalty to General Xenith himself slowly and without the knowledge of any outsiders. He played each world upon itself, until there was no power left but his own. Only the strongest and farthest planets were able to hold their sovereignty as Xenith claimed leadership over his new "United Empire". He renames the star of his new capital system and sets massive slave labor forces to terraforming new worlds to his specifications, in particular a large moon of a nearby gas giant, which is his personal retreat, military headquarters and training grounds.

Much more time passed.

Through an enormous and complicated feudal class system and consistently ferocious reprisals against any uprisings, the chain of Emperors continues.

Yesterday...   The Emperor has three sons and a wife, but the wife dies and the Emperor snaps. He wasn't a good or virtuous emperor before, and he turns into a monster. He immediately exiles his three sons, the oldest of whom is only fourteen years old. They are sent to live aboard the empire's flagship and are to become officers in the ever vast and powerful space navy.

Today...  Several years later, Lozan has quickly risen through the ranks of the military, and is not far off from getting his own command. Axar is an ace pilot and goes into military intelligence, also quickly climbing the ladder of success. Griffin, the youngest is about to become of age to enlist in the military, a mandatory condition and abhorrent proposition to him.


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